Gildan Activewear Inc. (GIL)

ट्रेडिंग शर्तें

ट्रेडिंग घंटे (UTC)
सोमवार - शुक्रवार: 16:30 - 23:00

कम्पनी के बारे में

DMG Mori AG is a Germany-based company that provides machines and services, as well as software and energy solutions. The Machine Tools segment includes the Company's new machines business with the business divisions of turning, milling, advanced technologies (ultrasonic/lasertec) and the ECOLINE product range, as well as electronics and systems products. The Industrial Services segment comprises the business activities of the Services and Energy solutions divisions. The Services division combines the marketing activities and the LifeCycle Services, and Energy Solutions comprises the Cellstrom, Energy Efficiency, Service and Components business areas. The Company operates through subsidiaries around the globe.