Sichuan Expressway Co Ltd (0107)

Điều kiện giao dịch

Phiên giao dịch (UTC)
Thứ Hai - Thứ Sáu: 04:31 - 07:00, 08:00 - 11:00

Nói về

SICHUAN EXPRESSWAY COMPANY LIMITED is principally engaged in the investment, design, construction, toll collection, maintenance, management and services of roads, bridges and tunnels. The Company operates Chengyu Expressway, which is a totally closed two-way four-lane expressway; Chengya Expressway, which consists of two-way six-lane and four-lane road sections; Chengbei Exit Expressway, which is a two-way six-lane expressway, as well as Chengle Expressway, which is a two-way four-lane expressway. The Company is also involved in the sale of petroleum and chemical products, and leasing of properties and advertising areas businesses.