Futures mondiale
© 2025 Lime Trading (CY) Ltd
Lime Trading (CY) Ltd este certificată și reglementată de Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission în temeiul licenței nr. 281/15 din 25 septembrie 2015. Marca comercială „Just2Trade” este deținută de LimeTrading (CY) Ltd.
Registration Number: HE 341520
Address: Lime Trading (CY) Ltd
Magnum Business Center, Office 4B, Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue 78
Limassol 3076, Cyprus
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Tranzacționarea instrumentelor financiare implică un risc semnificativ. Valoarea investițiilor poate scădea și crește, iar investitorii își pot pierde capitalul. În cazul tranzacționării în marjă, pierderile pot depăși semnificativ capitalul investit inițial. Informații detaliate despre riscurile asociate tranzacționării pe piețele financiare pot fi găsite în secțiunea Reguli și condiții generale pentru furnizarea de servicii de investiții
AgenaTrader este un software de tranzacționare extrem de puternic, multi-broker, care merge cu un pas mai departe decât instrumentele de tranzacționare similare. Nu numai că oferă tranzacționare discreționară și complet automatizată, dar integrează și tranzacționarea semi-automatizată.
ATAS este o platformă profesională de tranzacționare și analiză concepută pentru analiza fluxului de ordine. Are tot ce vă trebuie pentru o evaluare rapidă și convenabilă a pieței - Time And Sales, date de nivel II (Depth of Market sau DOM) și urmărirea algoritmilor HFT. Platforma ATAS procesează datele privind fluxul de ordine și le vizualizează într-o formă intuitivă. Dispune de capacități extinse de filtrare și configurare flexibilă. Instrumentele analitice ale platformei îmbunătățesc valoarea informațională a datelor de piață, permițând o mai bună înțelegere a tendințelor pieței și, prin urmare, o mai bună performanță de tranzacționare.
Platforma noastră de tranzacționare bogată în funcții și asistența dedicată clienților le permit comercianților de futures cu mărfuri să rămână cu un pas înaintea concurenților lor.
Deltix este un furnizor de top de software și servicii pentru cercetare cantitativă, tranzacționare algoritmică și sistematică automată. Software-ul Deltix oferă un mediu pentru procesarea sau dezvoltarea și punerea în aplicare a tehnologiilor strâns integrate de generare și/sau executare a strategiilor.
TraderServe este un furnizor de software și dispozitive, precum și o firmă de consultanță axată pe tranzacționarea în timp real și pe aplicații cu soluții complexe pentru administratorii de fonduri, comercianți, brokeri, bănci și locuri de tranzacționare, inclusiv burse și MTF-uri.
Daniels Trading este o firmă independentă de brokeraj futures, situată în inima districtului financiar din Chicago. Înființată de renumitul comerciant de mărfuri Andy Daniels în 1995, Daniels Trading se bazează pe o cultură a încrederii dedicată misiunii firmei de independență, obiectivitate și fiabilitate.
Informații de piață de top și instrumente de tranzacționare robuste...Soluțiile noastre complete, ușor de utilizat, oferă comercianților de contracte futures pe mărfuri o serie de caracteristici inovatoare de productivitate, analize avansate și îmbunătățiri ale performanței.
Obiectivele și misiunea companiei: Să devină un furnizor de top de sisteme de tranzacții financiare și să crească odată cu piața futures. Furnizarea de produse futures și servicii tehnice de înaltă calitate și profesionale. Să creeze valoare pentru investitori și comercianți.
NanoTrader este cel mai avansat produs Fipertec care își propune să aducă tranzacționarea automată combinată cu graficele la un nivel cu totul nou. Un deceniu de experiență și feedback-ul a mii de utilizatori au condus la designul actualizat și funcționalitățile prezentate în NanoTrader.
Designul simplu, dar puternic al iBroker a fost creat de comercianți, pentru comercianți. Fie că doriți să tranzacționați Forex cu grafice și indicatori în timp real, fie că doriți doar o alertă de preț atunci când contractele futures E-Mini S&P ating un anumit nivel, aplicația iBroker are ceea ce vă trebuie. Comenzi simple și eficiente pentru introducerea ordinelor, ajustarea prețurilor, inversarea pozițiilor și multe altele. Ochii dvs. își vor găsi cu ușurință drumul cu un design intuitiv adaptat fiecărui dispozitiv.
FutureSource® is a preferred global market data and analytics platform for market professionals who need to make more informed buying and selling decisions. It incorporates cutting-edge functionality and tools designed to support traders, brokers and analysts with risk management. FutureSource offers global asset class coverage, including stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, energy and commodities. And it is supported by Interactive Data’s state-of-the-art network, which can provide global exchange connectivity and a broad array of content to our clients.
Now you can manage, automate and optimize your global trading activities with greater efficiency with a broker-neutral order and execution management system. InfoReach provides integrated, high-performance trading software for order and trade management, global connectivity, market execution, risk management, transaction cost analysis (TCA) and more.
Option Workshop is a front-end application for option trading. The program includes functions to analyse and model trading strategies and the logic to automate many trading operations. Option Workshop allows you to automate trading operations by using Market maker, Delta hedger, and Futures Order Stairs (FOS). The program can be integrated with two or more data sources, allowing you to connect to multiple accounts/brokers at the same time.
Designed specifically for day traders of futures and exchange traded spreads, the daytradr platform is a robust stand-alone multi-threaded trading platform that connects to CQG, Rithmic and IQFeed. daytradr contains all the features from the popular plug-in from Jigsaw (used by over 4,500 traders) and much more, to deliver a truly flawless trading experience.
Single multi-asset platform providing advanced order and execution management capabilities globally. Open architecture built to match your workflow, including order entry from email, instant message and more. Full suite of advanced OMS functionality including Order & Ticket Staging, Auto Marking, Position Uploads and Stock Locate.
Money.Net is a platform that empowers you to analyze and monitor markets in real-time. For a flat $150 per month (after a free, no commitment, 14 day trial by just entering your email), you get professional level market information and tools. Money.Net provides real-time US equity prices, options, international equities, foreign exchange, bond and commodity futures. Money.Net also includes a professional technical charting system, the fastest live breaking market news, an Excel API to update your spreadsheets with live feeds and updatable historical data, graphical market analytics, and much more, all in one place.
MotiveWave® is an incredibly feature-rich platform using Windows & Mac OS X. MotiveWave Software is a well-established developer of easy-to-use full-featured charting, analysis and trading software built for the individual trader. Our product "MotiveWave" has very advanced charting and drawing tools that are highly customizable and yet still easy-to-use, and also specializes in advanced analysis tools like Elliott Wave, Fibonacci, Gartley, Gann and Ratio Analysis. Plus, MotiveWave has all of the features (and more) that you would expect in a professional standalone trading platform, including scanners, strategy trading, custom strategies, backtesting, optimization (genetic and exhaustive), replay mode, walk-forward testing, reporting, and trade simulation.
MultiCharts is an award-winning trading platform. Whether you need day trading software or you invest for longer periods, MultiCharts has features that may help achieve your trading goals. High-definition charting, built-in indicators and strategies, one-click trading from chart and DOM, high-precision backtesting, brute-force and genetic optimization, automated execution and support for EasyLanguage scripts are all key tools at your disposal.
Multitrade is a Ahmedabad based highly experienced team of software professionals who cumulatively have years of varied industry experience. We strive to translate information technologies into value for our customers through our professional, innovative and cost-effective solutions and services. Multitrade offers wide range of specialized trading and custom software solutions designed to meet rapidly increasing market demands and customer-centric solutions to the highest standards of excellence. Multitrade provides IT related finacial software services to its clients by leveraging its extensive and outstanding experience in International and Domestic market. We specialize in development stock market Applications, BackOffice and encompassing an array of technologies. With every project Multitrade injects a fresh and innovative approach to development services and in many cases act as liaison between the end-user and the software provider. Our goal is to build long-term relation with our client by exceeding their expectations, offering outstanding customer service, increased flexibility, and greater value, thus optimizing system functionality and improving operation efficiency.
OEC Trader from Gain Capital is an easy to use electronic trading platform that handles all of the complexities associated with trading and order management. From streaming quotes to full order desk communication, OEC Trader's interface gives you instant access to a full suite of tools.
OptionTrader and OptionTrader Pro are professional grade options analysis systems originally designed for the open-outcry floor trading communities around the world. Originally introduced in 1995, our analysis methodologies, proprietary option modeling and reporting styles quickly became the industry standards for market makers in the trading pits in Chicago. The hallmark of the OptionTrader software is its ease of use and simple design tailored for the fast paced floor trading environment.
Orion Multi-Trader (“Orion MT”) is a powerful desktop trading application for trading in the futures and equity markets. Some of the features of the application include the following: easy to use interface with multiple workspaces, fast and intuitive order entry, real-time order and position status updates, real-time charts & streaming quotes, automated System trading, reliable broker and data-feed connectivity, simulated trading environment.
PhotonTrader was rewritten in .NET (finished early 2009) to deliver the latest in performance-engineered trading efficiency. It continues to be updated weekly to optimize execution processing speeds as new exchange modifications are released. Photon connects to a proprietary API, also written in .NET, completed in 2009. The Photon API raises the industry bar with cutting edge efficiency and ease of use.
Protrader allows broker to offer a complete multi-asset trading environment characterized by complexity, C# compatibility and a professional front-end. Protrader trading terminal contains a wide range of tools suitable for day traders, scalpers and algorithmic traders. Desktop, Web and Mobile versions of the trading terminal are available as well.
Qcaid is an innovative trading platform that allows you to create automated trading strategies without any programming skills. Draw a diagram that represents your trading idea by just dragging and dropping components onto the canvas.You can easily backtest your trading strategy with a few clicks, simulate it in a realistic environment, and upload it to the cloud to be executed automatically through a low latency server.
QT Market Center is a comprehensive, online, real-time commodity quote and charting platform with order entry. QT has integrated its diverse market-focused product line into one user-friendly system, giving users the ability to access all the information they need to make informed business decisions. Create your own custom quote screens; access the latest news, government reports, and weather; and get the inside scoop from seasoned market professionals — all for one small monthly fee.
Quick Screen Trading offers revolutionary software applications for real-time streaming futures and options on futures quotes, highly reliable and accurate data, internet based mobility for anytime/anywhere access, professional, advanced tools, the best combination of sophistication, usability, performance and price.
REDI is an award-winning execution management system (EMS) that brings advanced, broker-neutral, cross-asset trade execution to the buy-side.
Resolute Softtech platforms distinguish themselves most by making Intuitive Trading Sense. This is because they are the results of hours of collaboration between our staff of technologists and traders. Not only do we invent our products to empower your trading success.
The trading platform utilized by SVI traders and operations personnel provides unparalleled insight and control over trade flow. It was developed with our traders in mind and continues to undergo an iterative development process based on feedback from users.The platform is highly customizable and provides order-entry and position management across multiple markets and asset-classes within the same view. Currently supporting equities, futures and forex.
Sierra Chart is a professional Trading platform for the financial markets which is compatible with many externally available trading services. It supports Manual, Automated and Simulated Trading. It is a complete Real-time and Historical, Charting and Technical Analysis platform for the financial markets. Sierra Chart fully supports the open specification Data and Trading Communications Protocol for the community.
A streamlined workflow is paramount to keep pace with today's rapidly moving markets. SILEXX OEMS has an optimized and battle tested interface to ensure you always stay ahead of the curve. An intuitive and modular design allows you to customize your SILEXX OEMS to meet all your workflow requirements as a buy-side trader.
SmartQuant Algo Trading Infrastructure (QuantDesk) is designed for quantitative investors and traders, as well as institutional users such as hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, brokers, consultants and service providers. All products share the same underlying complex-event processing framework, which allows to seamlessly integrate them for tasks of any complexity. Developers can use a rich API to write their own strategies, while taking advantage of built-in capabilities such as consistent trading simulations, data management, and optimization.
White Shark Trader condenses hundreds of real-time data feeds, applies deep-learning algos and visualizes these complex trends in four easy-to-understand signals:
*Sentiment:*Where the momentum of the market is pointing.
*Perception:*Displays room left for price movement.
*Equilibrium:*Filters out false positives.
*Commitment:*Identifies sturdy trends.
Each signal displays the data in an intuitive and mobile-friendly format for the trader. When the four signals light up, the trader should take action.
White Shark utilizes a proprietary algorithm to notify user to enter a trade
User select their exit to optimize the potential return
White Shark is a powerful trading tool for professional traders looking for new supplementary signals
White Shark is easy to learn for new Traders
White Shark has both paper and live-trading capability
PresentationTrade Navigator provides a variety of customizable charting and technical analytical features for traders of different levels. Using both the customizable charts and ladders allows traders to track trades and strategies both graphically and statistically at the same time. Every edition of Trade Navigator comes with over 100 indicators, studies, highlights bars, templates and pages to help get traders started. TradeSense, a proprietary code, enables traders to develop strategies using simple English-like statements and recognizable trading terms.
MultiTradex (MT) is our unique e-trading system that allows you to trade Chinese futures, global futures and exchange-cleared OTC products on a single platform. This means that you can perform arbitrage or spreading strategies e.g. between Shanghai and LME futures, on the same screen.
TradingView is an advanced financial visualization platform with the ease of use of a modern website. Whether you are looking at basic price charts or plotting complex spread symbols with overlayed ratios, we have the tools and data you need.
VolFix.NET platform has NEW full-feature capability to send orders through CQG, Rithmic. Access is FREE for all customers who have chosen package with tools of western futures exchanges (CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX, EUREX, ICE etc.).
It is new technology for the new trading environment with one license for one fee. Zlantrader is a suite of products: Desktop Trader and Zlanbroker for brokers.
BookmapTM offers a unique perspective when watching the Depth of Market (DOM) dynamics & order book evolution.Bookmap delivers unparalleled transparency into today’s algo driven markets. You will see the entire evolution of the limit order book, not just price, time and volume. The only way to compete in the high frequency dominated trading environment is to be able to observe the algos in action and only Bookmap enables you to do just that.