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luni: 11:00 - 00:00
marți - vineri: 00:00 - 00:30, 11:00 - 00:00
sâmbătă: 00:00 - 00:30


Acacia Research Corporation, through its subsidiaries, invests in, licenses and enforces patented technologies. The Company's operating subsidiaries partner with inventors and patent owners, applying their legal and technology expertise to patent assets to unlock the financial value in their patented inventions. The Company's operating subsidiaries assist patent owners with the prosecution and development of their patent portfolios, the protection of their patented inventions from unauthorized use, the generation of licensing revenue from users of their patented technologies and, where necessary, with the enforcement against unauthorized users of their patented technologies through the filing of patent infringement litigation. The Company's operating subsidiaries own or control the rights to multiple patent portfolios, which include the United States patents and certain foreign counterparts, covering technologies used in a range of industries.
Avertisment de risc: Tranzacționarea instrumentelor financiare implică un risc semnificativ. Valoarea investițiilor poate scădea și crește, iar investitorii își pot pierde capitalul. În cazul tranzacționării în marjă, pierderile pot depăși semnificativ capitalul investit inițial. Informații detaliate despre riscurile asociate tranzacționării pe piețele financiare pot fi găsite în secțiunea Reguli și condiții generale pentru furnizarea de servicii de investiții
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