
Return on equity

This is the percentage of the company's profitability (usually per year) to its capital. Shows how well invested in it contributes to the growth of profits. It is also used to assess the performance of a company over a period of time. A good indicator is considered a value from 15 to 20%. A higher percentage can indicate both success and an excessive level of risk, a lower one - about a conservative approach or internal problems.

风险警告: 在金融市场上交易存在风险。投资产品可能会升值也可能会贬值,投资者可能会损失所有的本金。在涉及有杠杆的产品时,损失可能会大于初始本金。在金融市场上交易的风险信息可以在此查看 全面风险披露