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Hoje 17 setembro
Período Fato Previsão Passado Revisão Unidades
17 set
Festival De Outono
Leilão Bill a 3 Meses
496,000 50605,00000 %
Leilão Bill a 6 Meses
47,00 48086,00000 %
Leilão de Títulos a 1 Ano
421,000 45462,00000 %


Since the 1970’s Indonesia has been recording consistent trade surpluses due to robust exports growth. However, from 2012 to 2014 the country started recording trade deficits, as exports shrank due to slowdown in the global economy and fall in commodity prices. In 2015, trade balance swang again to surplus due to almost 20 percent fall in imports. In recent years, the biggest trade deficits were recorded with China, Thailand, Japan, Germany and South Korea. Indonesia records trade surpluses mainly with India, United States, and Malaysia..
Balança Comercial
Aug 289,000 196,000 47,000 bilhões


Exports have been an engine of economic growth in Indonesia. However, after reaching a peak in 2012, it have been in a steady decline due to lower commodity prices and dwindling global demand. Major exports are: oil and gas (12.4 percent of the total exports, of those gas 6.9 percent, crude oil 4.3 percent and oil products 1.2 percent); animal and vegetable fats and oils (14 percent); and electrical equipment and machinery (10.45 percent). Other exports include: footwear, part of such articles (3.4 percent); garments not knitted (3 percent) and ores, slag and ash (2.5 percent). Major export partners are: the United States (11.6 percent), China (10 percent of the total exports), Japan (9.9 percent), India (8.8 percent) and Singapore (7 percent).
Exportações (anual)
Aug 713,000 383,000 646,000 %


From 2004 to 2012, imports to Indonesia tripled, as large portion of the population entered middle-class and propelled higher purchases of oil and consumption goods. However, starting in mid-2013, imports have been declining due to low commodity prices and weak domestic consumption and investment. Main imports products are: oil and gas (around 17 percent of total imports), nuclear reactions, boilers, mechanical appliances (19 percent); iron and steel (5.4 percent), organic chemical materials (4.8 percent) and vehicles (4.5 percent). Main import partners are: China (25 percent of the total imports), Japan (11 percent), Singapore (7.6 percent), Thailand (6.8 percent) and the United States (6.4 percent).
Importações (anual)
Aug 946,000 815,000 1107,000 %


The activity index of the tertiary industry helps to understand an overall picture of industrial activities, inclusive of all business categories in the tertiary industry. The composite index is a general indicator in which the indexes to express the activity in respective business categories are consolidated with weight in terms of the scale of relative importance of each business category (value added). Wholesale Trade is the most important sector and accounts for 15 percent of tertiary activity, followed by Medical, Health Care & Welfare and Living & Amusement-related Services (12 percent each), Information & Communications (11 percent), Retail Trade and Transport & Postal Activities (10 percent each), Finance and Insurance (9 percent), Real Estate (8 percent), Business-related Services (7 percent), and Electricity, Gas, Heat Supply & Water and Goods Rental and Leasing (3 percent each).
Índice da Indústria Terciária (mensal)
Jul 14,00 1,00 -13,00 %


In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).
Índice Alimentar WPI (Anual)
Aug 326,000 355,000 %


In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).
Índice de Preços no Atacado (anual)
Aug 131,000 180,000 204,000 %


In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).
Índice de Preços no Atacado: Combustível (anual)
Aug -67,000 172,000 %


In India, the wholesale price index (WPI) is the main measure of inflation. The WPI measures the price of a representative basket of wholesale goods. In India, wholesale price index is divided into three groups: Primary Articles (22.6 percent of total weight); Fuel and Power (13.2 percent); and Manufactured Products (64.2 percent). The Food Index from the Primary Articles and Manufactured Products groups accounts for 24.4 percent of the total weight. The most important components of the Manufactured Products group are Basic Metals (9.7 percent of total weight); Food products (9.1 percent); Chemicals and Chemical products (6.5 percent) and Textiles (4.9 percent). Within the Primary Articles group, the most important component is Food Articles (15.3 percent), while within Fuel and Power, the most important category is HSD (3.1 percent).
Índice de Preços no Atacado: Manufatura (anual)
Aug 122,000 158,000 %


In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.
Discurso do livro do BCE


In South Africa, the BER Consumer Confidence Index covers 2,500 households in metropolitan areas, cities, towns and villages. The survey is made from personal at-home interviews and assesses general economic outlook, household’s economic condition and major spending purposes. The index is computed as the difference between the share of respondents expecting an improvement from the percentage expecting a deterioration. The indicator varies on a scale of -100 to 100; a value of -100 indicates extreme lack of confidence, 0 neutrality and 100 extreme confidence.
Confiança do Consumidor
Q3 -5,000 -12,0000 pontos


In Germany, the ZEW Current Conditions Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the current economic situation. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts see deteriorating economic conditions) up to 100 (all analysts see improving economic conditions). A 0 value indicates neutrality.
Condições Atuais ZEW
Set -845,00 -773,00 pontos


In Germany, the ZEW Economic Sentiment Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the expected economic developments over the next 6 months. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the development of the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts expect the economy to deteriorate) up to 100 (all analysts expect it to improve). A 0 value indicates neutrality.
Sentimento Econômico ZEW
Set 36,00 171,00 192,00 pontos


In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.
Discurso do BCE McCaul


In the Euro Area, the ZEW Economic Sentiment Index measures the level of optimism that analysts have about the expected economic developments over the next 6 months. The survey covers up to 350 financial and economic analysts. The index is constructed as the difference between the percentage share of analysts that are optimistic and the percentage of analysts that are pessimistic about the development of the economy. Therefore, the ZEW indicator measures the confidence on a scale of -100 (all analysts expect the economy to deteriorate) up to 100 (all analysts expect it to improve). A 0 value indicates neutrality.
Sentimento Econômico ZEW
Set 93,00 176,00 179,00 pontos
Leilão Treasury Gilt a 30 Anos
4329,0000 4636,0000 %


India has been recording sustained trade deficits since 1980 mainly due to the strong imports growth, particularly of mineral fuels, oils and waxes and bituminous substances and pearls, precious and semi-precious stones and jewelry. In recent years, the biggest trade deficits were recorded with China, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Indonesia. India records trade surpluses with the US, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, United Kingdom and Vietnam.
Balança Comercial
Aug -297,00 -235,00 bilhões


In recent years, India exported mostly: pearls, precious and semi-precious stones and jewelry (16 percent of total shipments); mineral fuels, oils and waxes and bituminous substances (12 percent); vehicles, parts and accessories (5 percent); nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances (5 percent); pharmaceutical products (5 percent); and organic chemicals (4 percent). India’s main export partners are: United States (15 percent of the total exports), United Arab Emirates (11 percent), Hong Kong (5 percent), China (4 percent), Singapore (4 percent) and United Kingdom (3 percent).
Aug 3471,000 3398,000 bilhões


India main imports are: mineral fuels, oils and waxes and bituminous substances (27 percent of total imports); pearls, precious and semi-precious stones and jewelry (14 percent); electrical machinery and equipment (10 percent); nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances (8 percent); and organic chemicals (4 percent). India’s major import partners are: China (16 percent of total imports), the United States (6 percent), United Arab Emirates (6 percent), Saudi Arabia (5 percent) and Switzerland (5 percent).
Aug 6436,000 5748,000 bilhões


In Canada, a housing start is defined as the beginning of construction work on the building where the dwelling unit will be located. This can be described in 2 ways: usually, the stage when the concrete has been poured for the whole of the footing around the structure; or an equivalent stage where a basement will not be part of the structure.
Início de Construção de Casas
Aug 2174,00 256,0000 2795,00 ths


CPI Trimmed is a measure of core inflation that excludes CPI components whose rates of change in a given month are located in the tails of the distribution of price changes. This measure helps filter out extreme price movements that might be caused by factors specific to certain components. In particular, CPI-trim excludes 20 percent of the weighted monthly price variations at both the bottom and top of the distribution of price changes, and thus it always removes 40 percent of the total CPI basket.
CPI média aparada (anual)
Aug 24,00 26,00 27,00 %


CPI median is a measure of core inflation corresponding to the price change located at the 50th percentile (in terms of the CPI basket weights) of the distribution of price changes in a given month. This measure helps filter out extreme price movements specific to certain components. This approach is similar to CPI-trim as it eliminates all the weighted monthly price variations at both the bottom and top of the distribution of price changes in any given month, except the price change for the component that is the midpoint of that distribution.
CPI Median (Anual)
Aug 23,00 23,00 24,00 %


In Canada, the most important categories in the CPI basket are Shelter (30 percent of the total weight) and Transportation (17 percent). Food accounts for 16 percent; Household Operations, Furnishings and Equipment for 15 percent; Recreation, Education and Reading for 9 percent; Health and Personal Care for 5 percent; Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Products for 5 percent and Clothing and Footwear for the remaining 4 percent. The CPI basket is reviewed every four years on the basis of household surveys. The current weights are based on spending patterns in 2002.
Índice de Preços ao Consumidor (anual)
Aug 20,00 25,00 %


Inflation Rate MoM measures month over month change in the price of goods and services.
Índice de Preços ao Consumidor (mensal)
Aug -2,00 1,00 4,00 %


In Canada, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes eight of the most volatile components identified by the Bank of Canada including: fruit, fruit preparations and nuts; vegetables and vegetable preparations; mortgage interest cost; natural gas; fuel oil and other fuels; gasoline; inter-city transportation; and tobacco products and smokers' supplies. It also excludes the effect of changes in indirect taxes.
Núcleo de Inflação (anual)
Aug 15,00 17,00 %
Núcleo de Inflação (mensal)
Aug -1,00 3,00 %


Retail Sales Ex Gas and Autos in the US provides aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services excluding motor vehicle dealers and gasoline station over a period of a month.
Venda no Varejo Ex Gás/Automóveis (Mensal)
Aug 2,00 3,00 4,00 %


In the United States, the year-over-year change in Retail sales compares the aggregated sales of retail goods and services during a certain month to the same month a year ago.
Vendas no Varejo (anual)
Aug 21,00 27,00 %


Retail sales report in the US provides aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services over a period of a month. There are thirteen major types of retailers: Motor vehicle & parts dealers (around 20 percent of total sales), Food & beverage stores (13%), General merchandise stores (12.5%), Food services & drinking places (11%), Gasoline stations (10%), Nonstore retailers (9.2%), Building material & garden dealers (6%), Health & personal care stores (6%), Clothing & clothing accessories stores (5%), Miscellaneous store retailers (2.3%), Furniture stores (2%), Electronics & appliance stores (2%) and Sporting goods, hobby, book & music stores (1.7%).
Vendas no Varejo (mensal)
Aug 1,00 2,00 1,00 %


Retail Sales Ex Autos report in the US provides aggregated measure of sales of retail goods and services excluding the automobile sector over a period of a month.
Vendas no Varejo exceto Veículos Automotores (mensal)
Aug 1,00 3,00 4,00 %


The Johnson Redbook Index is a sales-weighted of year-over-year same-store sales growth in a sample of large US general merchandise retailers representing about 9,000 stores. Same-store sales are sales in stores continuously open for 12 months or longer. By dollar value, the Index represents over 80% of the equivalent 'official' retail sales series collected and published by the US Department of Commerce. Redbook compiles the Index by collecting and interpreting performance estimates from retailers. The Index and its sub-groups are sales-weighted aggregates of these estimates. Weeks are retail weeks (Sunday to Saturday), and equally weighted within the month.
Índice de Vendas no Varejo Redbook (anual)
Sep/14 65,00 %


In the Euro Area, benchmark interest rate is set by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. The primary objective of the ECB’s monetary policy is to maintain price stability which is to keep inflation below, but close to 2 percent over the medium term. In times of prolonged low inflation and low interest rates, ECB may also adopt non-standard monetary policy measures, such as asset purchase programmes. The official interest rate is the Main refinancing operations rate.
Discurso de ECB Elderson


Capacity utilization rate is used to measure the rate at which potential output levels are being met or used. The capacity indexes cover all facilities located in the United States, regardless of their ownership; and are constructed for 89 detailed industries (71 in manufacturing, 16 in mining, and 2 in utilities).
Capacidade de Uso
Aug 779,00 778,00 %


Manufacturing production measures the output of businesses operating in the manufacturing sector. It is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within the sector are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent).
Produção das Indústrias de Transformação (anual)
Aug 1,00 %


Manufacturing production measures the output of businesses operating in the manufacturing sector. It is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within the sector are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent).
Produção das Indústrias de Transformação (mensal)
Aug -3,00 %


In the United States, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent). Mining and quarrying account for 11 percent of production and utilities account for the remaining 11 percent.
Produção Industrial (anual)
Aug -2,00 %


In the United States, industrial production measures the output of businesses integrated in industrial sector of the economy. Manufacturing is the most important sector and accounts for 78 percent of total production. The biggest segments within Manufacturing are: Chemicals (12 percent of total production); food, drink and tobacco (11 percent); machinery (6 percent); fabricated metal products (6 percent); computer and electronic products (6 percent); and motor vehicles and parts (6 percent). Mining and quarrying account for 11 percent of production and utilities account for the remaining 11 percent.
Produção Industrial (mensal)
Aug 0,00 -6,00 %


In the United States, the authority to set interest rates is divided between the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (Board) and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). The Board decides on changes in discount rates after recommendations submitted by one or more of the regional Federal Reserve Banks. The FOMC decides on open market operations, including the desired levels of central bank money or the desired federal funds market rate.
Discurso do Fed Logan


Business Inventories in the United States measure the monthly percentage changes in inventories from manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers. Inventories are a key component of gross domestic product.
Estoques das Empresas (mensal)
Jul 4,00 3,00 %
Estoques de Varejo Ex Automóveis (Mensal)
Jul 3,00 %


NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) is based on a monthly survey of home builders. They are asked to rate current sales of single-family homes and sales expectations for the next six months and to rate traffic of prospective buyers. Scores for responses to each component are used to calculate a seasonally adjusted overall index, where a number over 50 indicates more builders view sales conditions as good than poor.
Índice de Mercado de Habitação NAHB
Set 40,000 39,000 pontos


The Global Dairy Trade Price Index measures the weighted-average price of nine dairy products sold at auction every two weeks in New Zealand.
Índice de Preços do Comércio Global de Laticínios
Sep/17 -4,00 %
Leilão Bill a 42 Dias
4980,0000 %
Leilão Bond a 20 Anos
4160,0000 %


Stocks of crude oil refer to the weekly change of the crude oil supply situation.
Variação do Estoque de Petróleo Bruto API
Sep/13 -279,000 milhões


In New Zealand, the Westpac McDermott Miller Consumer Confidence Index measures the level of optimism that consumers have about the performance of the economy. The Consumer Confidence Index is calculated from percentage response to five internationally standardized questions covering consumers' personal financial circumstances, national economic expectations and attitudes to major purchases. It is 100 plus the average of the difference between positive answers and negative responses. A score above 100 shows more optimism than pessimism while a score below 100 denotes more pessimism.
Westpac Confiança Do Consumidor
Q3 822,00 pontos


Current Account is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services), net factor income (such as interest and dividends) and net transfer payments (such as foreign aid).
Transações Correntes
Q2 -4,000 -436,000 bilhões


Japan’s trade balance has fluctuated in recent years partly because of disruptions to production and other problems related to the coronavirus pandemic. In 2022, the country recorded persistent monthly trade deficits as imports surged more than exports. On one hand, the weak yen has helped to drive exports to record highs but on the other, it had made the cost of imported products especially food and energy commodities very expensive. The biggest trade deficits were reported with Australia, China, and Middle East countries while the biggest trade surpluses were recorded with the United States, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore.
Balança Comercial
Aug -1380,000000 -6218,00 bilhões


In Japan, Machinery Orders refers to the month-over-month change of the private sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies.
Encomendas de Maquinaria (anual)
Jul -17,00 %


In Japan, Machinery Orders refers to the month-over-month change of the private sector machinery orders, excluding volatile ones for ships and those from electric power companies.
Encomendas de Maquinaria (mensal)
Jul 5,00 21,00 %


Exports of high technology products have been the engine of Japan's economic growth since 1960. Exports account for around 19 percent of total GDP. In 2019 exports fell 5.6 percent from the previous year's record high amid global trade tensions. Main exports were: transport equipment (24 percent of total exports), with motor vehicles accounting for 16 percent; machinery (20 percent) on the back of power generating machine and semicon machinery; electrical machinery (17 percent), such as semiconductors, IC and electrical apparatus; chemicals (11 percent), mainly plastic materials and organic chemicals; and manufactured goods (11 percent), such as iron and steel products, nonferrous metals and manufactures of metals. Japan's main export partners were the US (20 percent), China (19 percent), the EU (12 percent) in particular Germany (3 percent), South Korea (7 percent), Taiwan (6 percent), Hong Kong (5 percent), and Thailand (4 percent).
Exportações (anual)
Aug 10,000 103,00 %


In 2019 imports to Japan dropped 5 percent from the previous year's record high amid global trade tensions. Main imports were: mineral fuels (22 percent of total imports), with petroleum accounting for 10 percent and LNG for 6 percent; electrical machinery (15 percent) on the back of telephony, telegraphy and semiconductors; chemicals (10 percent) due to medical products and organic chemicals; machinery (10 percent) in particular computers and units; foodstuff (9 percent) such as fish and fish preparations and meat and meat preparations; manufactured goods (9 percent) on nonferrous metals; and raw materials (6 percent) mainly ore of nonferrous and iron ore and concentrates. Japan's main import partners were China (23 percent), the EU (12 percent) in particular Germany (3 percent), the US (11 percent), Australia (6 percent), South Korea (4 percent), Saudi Arabia (4 percent), Taiwan (4 percent), the UAE (4 percent) and Thailand (4 percent).
Importações (anual)
Aug 134,00 166,00 %