Economic calendar

Keep track of current economic
data using our Economic Calendar

Dates range: Yesterday | Today | Week | Month
Today 07 February
Period Fact Forecast Past Review UOM

Why Does a Trader Need an Economic Calendar?

As an experienced broker, we know very well how important it is to quickly receive up-to-date information on important world events that can affect prices and the state of the investment portfolio. That is why our experts have developed an economic calendar for a trader.

Just2Trade Calendar - A Reliable Effective Trading Base

As an experienced broker, Just2Trade knows what you may require while trading on the exchange, and offers the appropriate tools in the most convenient way. Among them there is an interactive calendar of economic news for a trader.

Its key features and benefits:

The main indicators falling into the Just2Trade economic calendar:

Our economic calendar is automatically updated when the latest news and indicator values are published. The most relevant and accurate information is always available in it. You can use this information as a base when developing your own trading strategies.