The Bank Card for your brokerage adventures

Investments turn into purchases: your card for global payments without limits

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Just2Trade card mobile


Just2Trade card

Log in to Just2Trade

Log in to your Just2Trade account

Apply for a J2T Card

Click Create Card on J2T Card page, then complete the application steps


Once your application is approved, you can start using your virtual J2T Card right away — no activation is required

Order your card

Rest easy. Your money’s safe

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Freeze and unfreeze your card instantly

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Generate digital cards for extra peace of mind.

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Get notifications for every transaction.


You have an account with Just2Trade

How works 1

How works 2?

Create a сard in your personal account

Add the J2T Card to Apple Pay or Google Pay

How works 3

How works 4

Add money to the card from the brokerage account

Spend easily and conveniently

How works 5

Do more with just2trade

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Trade thousands of instruments with J2T Global account

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Invest in strategies of traders of the J2T Copy service

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Cooperation with Just2Trade Partnership Program in attracting customers opens new revenue opportunities


Avviso di rischio: Trading sui mercati finanziari comporta dei rischi. Il valore degli investimenti può sia aumentare che diminuire e gli investitori possono perdere tutto il loro capitale investito. Nel caso di un prodotto con effetto leva, la perdita può essere superiore al capitale iniziale investito. Informazioni dettagliate sui rischi associati al trading sui mercati finanziari si trovano nella informativa completa sui rischi.
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